General information about company

Scrip code 524818
NSE Symbol
MSEI Symbol
ISIN INE457C01010
Name of the company DYNAMIC INDUSTRIES LTD.
Whether company is SME No
Class of Security Equity Shares
Type of report Quarterly
Quarter Ended / Half year ended/Date of Report (For Prelisting / Allotment) 30-09-2021
Date of allotment / extinguishment (in case Capital Restructuring selected) / Listing Date
Shareholding pattern filed under Regulation 31 (1) (b)
Whether the listed entity is Public Sector Undertaking (PSU)? No


Sr. No. Particular Yes/No Promoter and Promoter Group Public shareholder Non Promoter- Non Public
1 Whether the Listed Entity has issued any partly paid up shares? No No No No
2 Whether the Listed Entity has issued any Convertible Securities ? No No No No
3 Whether the Listed Entity has issued any Warrants ? No No No No
4 Whether the Listed Entity has any shares against which depository receipts are issued? No No No No
5 Whether the Listed Entity has any shares in locked-in? No No No No
6 Whether any shares held by promoters are pledge or otherwise encumbered? No No
7 Whether company has equity shares with differential voting rights? No No No No
8 Whether the listed entity has any significant beneficial owner? No

Table I - Summary Statement holding of specified securities

Category (I) Category of shareholder (II) Nos. Of shareholders (III) No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV) No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V) No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI) Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI) Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2) Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
No of Voting (XIV) Rights Total as a % of (A+B+C)
Class eg: X Class eg:y Total
(A) Promoter & Promoter Group 8 1449875 1449875 47.87 1449875 1449875 47.87
(B) Public 2977 1578625 1578625 52.13 1578625 1578625 52.13
(C) Non Promoter- Non Public
(C1) Shares underlying DRs
(C2) Shares held by Employee Trusts
Total 2985 3028500 3028500 100 3028500 3028500 100

Table I - Summary Statement holding of specified securities

Category (I) Category of shareholder (II) No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X) No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi) No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a) Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities ( as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2) Number of Locked in shares (XII) Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered (XIII) Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)
No. (a) As a % of total Shares held (b) No. (a) As a % of total Shares held (b)
(A) Promoter & Promoter Group 47.87 1449875
(B) Public 52.13 1472874
(C) Non Promoter- Non Public
(C1) Shares underlying DRs
(C2) Shares held by Employee Trusts
Total 100 2922749

Table II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group

Sr. Category & Name of the Shareholders (I) Nos. Of shareholders (III) No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV) No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V) No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI) Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI) Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2) Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
No of Voting (XIV) Rights Total as a % of Total Voting rights
Class eg: X Class eg:y Total
A Table II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group
(1) Indian
(a) Individuals/Hindu undivided Family 7 1446095 1446095 47.75 1446095 1446095 47.75
(d) Any Other (specify) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sub-Total (A)(1) 7 1446095 1446095 47.75 1446095 1446095 47.75
(2) Foreign
(a) Individuals (NonResident Individuals/ Foreign Individuals) 1 3780 3780 0.12 3780 3780 0.12
Sub-Total (A)(2) 1 3780 3780 0.12 3780 3780 0.12
Total Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group (A)=(A)(1)+(A)(2) 8 1449875 1449875 47.87 1449875 1449875 47.87
B Table III - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Public shareholder
(1) Institutions
( 3 ) Non-institutions
(a(i)) Individuals - i.Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital up to Rs. 2 lakhs. 2840 971682 971682 32.08 971682 971682 32.08
(a(ii)) Individuals - ii. Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital in excess of Rs. 2 lakhs. 7 515703 515703 17.03 515703 515703 17.03
(e) Any Other (specify) 130 91240 91240 3.01 91240 91240 3.01
Sub-Total (B)(3) 2977 1578625 1578625 52.13 1578625 1578625 52.13
Total Public Shareholding (B)=(B)(1)+(B)(2)+(B)(3) 2977 1578625 1578625 52.13 1578625 1578625 52.13
C Table IV - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Non Promoter- Non Public shareholder
Total ( A+B+C2 ) 2985 3028500 3028500 100 3028500 3028500 100
Total (A+B+C ) 2985 3028500 3028500 100 3028500 3028500 100

Table II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group

Sr. No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X) No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi) No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a) Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities ( as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2) Number of Locked in shares (XII) Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered (XIII) Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)
No. (a) As a % of total Shares held (b) No. (a) As a % of total Shares held (b)
A Table II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group
(1) Indian
(a) 47.75 1446095
(d) 0 0
Sub-Total (A)(1) 47.75 1446095
(2) Foreign
(a) 0.12 3780
Sub-Total (A)(2) 0.12 3780
Total Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group (A)=(A)(1)+(A)(2) 47.87 1449875
B Table III - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Public shareholder
(1) Institutions
( 3 ) Non-institutions
(a(i)) 32.08 865932
(a(ii)) 17.03 515703
(e) 3.01 91239
Sub-Total (B)(3) 52.13 1472874
Total Public Shareholding (B)=(B)(1)+(B)(2)+(B)(3) 52.13 1472874
C Table IV - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Non Promoter- Non Public shareholder
Total ( A+B+C2 ) 100 2922749
Total (A+B+C ) 100 2922749

Individuals/Hindu undivided Family

Searial No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Name of the Shareholders (I) Apurva Kamleshbhai Modi Harin Dhanvantlal Mamlatdarna Maya Harin Mamlatdarna Asita H Mamlatdarna Kamleshbhai Ramakant Modi Mansi H Mamlatdarna Harin D Mamlatdarna HUF
No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV) 450000 357538 233832 151079 145000 78086 30560
No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)
No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)
Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI) 450000 357538 233832 151079 145000 78086 30560
Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2) 14.86 11.81 7.72 4.99 4.79 2.58 1.01
Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
Class eg:X 450000 357538 233832 151079 145000 78086 30560
Class eg:y
Total 450000 357538 233832 151079 145000 78086 30560
Total as a % of Total Voting rights 14.86 11.81 7.72 4.99 4.79 2.58 1.01
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)
No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)
Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(Xi)(a) As a % of (A+B+C2) 14.86 11.81 7.72 4.99 4.79 2.58 1.01
Number of Locked in shares (XII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered (XIII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV) 450000 357538 233832 151079 145000 78086 30560
Shareholder type Promoter Group Promoter Promoter Group Promoter Group Promoter Group Promoter Group Promoter Group

Individuals/Hindu undivided Family

Searial No.
Name of the Shareholders (I) Click here to go back
No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV) 1446095
No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)
No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)
Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI) 1446095
Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2) 47.75
Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
Class eg:X 1446095
Class eg:y
Total 1446095
Total as a % of Total Voting rights 47.75
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)
No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)
Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(Xi)(a) As a % of (A+B+C2) 47.75
Number of Locked in shares (XII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered (XIII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV) 1446095
Shareholder type

Any Other (specify)

Searial No. 1
Category Bodies Corporate Click here to go back
Name of the Shareholders (I) Ornet Intermediates Private Limited
No. of the Shareholders (I) 0 0
No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV) 0 0
No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)
No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)
Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI) 0 0
Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2) 0 0
Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
Class eg: X 0 0
Class eg:y
Total 0 0
Total as a % of Total Voting rights 0 0
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)
No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)
Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2) 0 0
Number of Locked in shares (XII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered (XIII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV) 0 0
Shareholder type Promoter Group

Individuals (NonResident Individuals/ Foreign Individuals)

Searial No. 1
Name of the Shareholders (I) Chandresh Dhanvantrai Mamlatdarna Click here to go back
No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV) 3780 3780
No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)
No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)
Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI) 3780 3780
Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2) 0.12 0.12
Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
Class eg: X 3780 3780
Class eg:y
Total 3780 3780
Total as a % of Total Voting rights 0.12 0.12
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)
No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)
Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2) 0.12 0.12
Number of Locked in shares (XII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered (XIII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV) 3780 3780
Shareholder type Promoter Group

Individuals - ii. Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital in excess of Rs. 2 lakhs.

Searial No. 1 2 3 4 5
Name of the Shareholders (I) Ayan Shirishbhai Shah Bijendra Katta Deepa Shah Neeraj Shah Sangeetha S Click here to go back
No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV) 33155 61196 39149 174246 162050 469796
No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)
No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)
Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI) 33155 61196 39149 174246 162050 469796
Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2) 1.09 2.02 1.29 5.75 5.35 15.51
Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
Class eg: X 33155 61196 39149 174246 162050 469796
Class eg:y
Total 33155 61196 39149 174246 162050 469796
Total as a % of Total Voting rights 1.09 2.02 1.29 5.75 5.35 15.51
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)
No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)
Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2) 1.09 2.02 1.29 5.75 5.35 15.51
Number of Locked in shares (XII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV) 33155 61196 39149 174246 162050 469796

Any Other (specify)

Searial No. 1 2 3 4
Category HUF Non-Resident Indian (NRI) Clearing Members Bodies Corporate
Category / More than 1 percentage Category Category Category Category
Name of the Shareholders (I) Click here to go back
No. of the Shareholders (I) 85 20 10 15 130
No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV) 67752 9170 1141 13177 91240
No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)
No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)
Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI) 67752 9170 1141 13177 91240
Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2) 2.24 0.3 0.04 0.44 3.02
Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
Class eg: X 67752 9170 1141 13177 91240
Class eg:y
Total 67752 9170 1141 13177 91240
Total as a % of Total Voting rights 2.24 0.3 0.04 0.44 3.02
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)
No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)
Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2) 2.24 0.3 0.04 0.44 3.02
Number of Locked in shares (XII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV) 67752 9170 1141 13176 91239

Sr. No. Details of the SBO Details of the registered owner Details of holding/ exercise of right of the SBO in the reporting company, whether direct or indirect*: Date of creation / acquisition of significant beneficial interest Name PAN Passport No. in case of a foreign national Nationality Nationality (Applicable in case of Any other is selected) Name PAN Passport No. in case of a foreign national Nationality Nationality (Applicable in case of Any other is selected) Whether by virtue of: Shares Voting rights Rights on distributable dividend or any other distribution Exercise of control Exercise of significant influence